Yale University

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Yale University is a college in Connecticut.

Their admissions office is just a man stamping applications with an “accepted” stamp.

They hate Harvard University.

Yale University comprises three major academic components: Yale College (the undergraduate program), the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and ten professional schools. In addition, Yale University encompasses a wide array of research organizations, libraries and museums, and administrative and support offices. Approximately 11,250 students attend Yale University.

All the professors at Yale like to begin classes with applause. Then they like to say, “Congratulations, you go to Yale.” Then they applaud again.

They have a Chinese hockey team. They don't speak very good English. They're not necessarily all Chinese.

There are no minorities at the school because they always want more power.

The students at Yale salute the flag of Yale. Their allegiance is to Yale, not the United States.

The Yale alma mater is only one lyric: "YALE!"

There are three different Yale T-shirts: "I Go to Yale," "I'm Going to Yale," and "I Just Left Yale."

People who go to Yale are called "Yaliens."

The ghetto of Yale University is full of people who have less than 3 Million dollars.

The Yale Football Team doesn't play. They hire another team to play for them while they slick back their hair.

Yale's music class breeds its own kind of music.

The meat loaf served on campus does not have any green things. The official Yale Teriyaki Buffet is the only fully teriyaki buffet on the east coast of the United States.

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